Residents - Please continue to place your Independent (Blue) or Republic (Yellow) trash bags at the roadside on your own property for pickup. You are littering if you place them elsewhere. The revised Trash Bag System seems to be working well. The Board is in the process of investigating other options for trash removal. We will inform you of the progress. THANK YOU! TO ALL RESIDENTS - YOUR COOPERATION IS GREATLY APPRECIATED
Residents - Please continue to place your Independent (Blue) or Republic (Yellow) trash bags at the roadside on your own property for pickup. You are littering if you place them elsewhere. The revised Trash Bag System seems to be working well. The Board is in the process of investigating other options for trash removal. We will inform you of the progress. THANK YOU! TO ALL RESIDENTS - YOUR COOPERATION IS GREATLY APPRECIATED
Lake County has a new Aerial Mapping program online free of charge. To access the site please follow the link at:
“….Features contained on the map are for reference only and no claim to accuracy is intended. For exact feature location and identification, parties should consult with a licensed professional surveyor or contact Lake County’s Equalization Office….”
Lake County has a new Aerial Mapping program online free of charge. To access the site please follow the link at:
“….Features contained on the map are for reference only and no claim to accuracy is intended. For exact feature location and identification, parties should consult with a licensed professional surveyor or contact Lake County’s Equalization Office….”
The Sauble-Elk-Eden Fire Dept. looks for volunteers to become Fire Fighters and Medical First Responders. Please Contact Chief Greg Bombich at 231-266-5773 if you are interested or have any questions. S.E.E.F.D.
Elk Township Historical Society is currently inactive. Ann Chase, Convener, and longtime friend, resigned this summer. Are you interested in leading this group? Contact the township for information.
We encourage your presence at all meetings of the Elk Township Board. Your input on community concerns are important and welcome. Please watch the marquee for upcoming events and information. Thank you, from the Elk Township Board,